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نوشته شده در جمعه 9 خرداد 1393
بازدید : 393
نویسنده : محمد سبزکار

Hi, welcome Mdydayn blog for those who do not know (AWACS) is the director of this program is described, how to chat with your phone, what you need please contact Imran = «« «$! Lv £» »»

For more go to

Hi, welcome Mdydayn blog for those who do not know (AWACS) is the director of this program is described, how to chat with your phone, what you need please contact Imran = «« «$! Lv £» »»

Thanks for the information of the AWACS that we visited this site, we invite you to enjoy a chat Live Oaks (-:

What is the AWACS?

Your phone, just call or send SMS or games you use?
. You are, except those with computers, have a chat?

. You want all to have a chat program on your mobile phone and no limitation of time and place, enjoy the chat?
. Of the other features of a mobile phone, you know what?
. You want your files to share with others? How words and ideas?

I'll be with me to explain.

AWACS is a chat program runs on Java phones and GPRS capabilities (Jar) (J2ME.) which gives access to a full chat ...

What is AWACS?

AWACS is a Persian Menu

1) - Ability to chat and public chat rooms.
2) - Ability to chat and private chat rooms.
3) - A chat in chatrooms official (for countries).
4) - Private exchange between two people, and private.
5) - ranking member on the chat as a member of the AWACS.
6) - depending on the type of language or country search for chat rooms or chat name.
7) - Remember to send or receive any messages in the INBOX. OUTBOX
8) - make use of all available characters. ID
(9 - s.
10) - Ability to change the chat environment.

18) - exchange photos, videos, text, music, or any other file.

19) - A chat via the computer system through a cloth (Web Caht), and requires no special software
20) - Hot NEWS) line) to insert messages of congratulations, condolences, news or a blog, or website and Ad ... (any of your messages will be displayed to all members worldwide AWACS).


Thanks to His Excellency AWACS crew member and producer chat site

Free chat AWACS

Jam Penn 2.1.0 - March 26, 2010, download for mobile phones: Judd , JAR , for BlackBerry: Judd code , code - 1

V 2.1.0 - Russian (русский язык), for mobile phones: Judd , JAR , for BlackBerry: Judd , Code , code - 1
2.2.0 - March 14, 2011, Judd download, JAR

2.0.0 - 2010 February 1, Judd download, JAR
1.9.2 - 2009 September 5, Judd download, JAR
1.9.1 - 2009 August 29, Judd download, JAR

1.0.5 - 2007 January 20, Judd download, JAR

  AWACS blog 

2.2.0 - 2011 November 05, Judd download, JAR

Open a live chat with AWACS computer
Server 1
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Click on live chat AWACS memorandum of mobile version

This chat is always with you!

Live Chat - free dating chat application for mobile phones Sanctuary with photos, animated smiles, avatars, own rooms, personal messages, contact list, exchange files, music files, each with a colorful and more ... One of us has tried at least once to enter the chat room via the Internet browser on PC, WAP browser on the phone, using the list, or programs like MSN. some people use the service so familiar, the other for easy communication, the third - to correspond with business partners. computer chat programs many functions, but they attach people to PCs, and WAP capabilities - chat and is not limited . In new network product AWACS Live Chat "for mobile phones support Java applications, computers (open chat) company (company" AVACS "( has realized popular functions and added to the number The capability, the mobile phone. including core capabilities Wax Live Chat "are: * Ability to communicate in different rooms depending on user interests; * creation of a common room available to all users as well as private ones , dedicated for intimate communication; * exchange of personal messages outside the rooms; * fill out the questionnaire and looking through the questionnaires of other users; * using photos in questionnaires that became possible the widespread use of mobile camera. for users of mobile phones in the camera itself does not predict the development of image files on the phone, through the website ( ) on the Internet or through e-mail; * Advanced search by questionnaire data; * Exchange files, photos, music and melodies; * Display of graphic files and photos on cell phone with pre-processing on the server, Select the appropriate size and format that allows the picture for this model phone is very satisfying; * email and SMS messages to the address / number specified in the questionnaire; * Create contact list (address book) * The use of Avatar animation and similes; * Change the background color and message chat; * Ability to enter chat from different mobile phones under their own username and password. Wax Live "has also minor, but handy functions such as automatic country identification, room filters , message manager, record personal messages and more. View screen shot images of the wax pege AVACS.


Software from a technical point as the 3 - level client server system, where the data base, logics and intermediate processing on the server is located. The wax business of life "in this second application Its user-friendly window interface is used. use of such technology enabled the developer to reduce the size of the JAR file that is installed on a cell phone while providing plenty of performance and graphics capabilities, on the one hand, and made The ability to change or add new capabilities to the software without changing the client part, on the other hand.

AWACS chat by download

Email: ijo.jo69 @

Contact Person:

Victor: (Director]

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